In this week's Torah Reading we will read all about Bilam the Wizard's failed attempts to curse the Jews.
It's a Torah prohibition to curse a fellow Jew.
E.g. Saying "Darn him!" is a sin.
Cursing a fellow Jew using any reference to Hashem - in any language - would result in 39 lashes by Bet Din.
E.g. Saying "The Almighty should punish Ploni" is a Torah prohibition for which one deserves 39 lashes by Bet Din.
Using G-d's "real" name in any language (e.g. Gcd, or Hashem as said during prayers) would add a second sin of saying His Name in vain.
Even invoking the loss of a blessing - "The Merciful One shouldn't let Ploni succeed" - is a Torah prohibition.
Source Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:3
Be Blessed!
- Danny Tuesday, 8 Tamuz 5769
Please daven for a complete recovery for Tamar bat Naama - תמר בת נעמה