Monday, March 31, 2014

Halocho #1317 - Found Chametz on Pessach, now what?

Chametz is Muktzah on Pessach, since it may not be used for anything.

Chametz (that was not sold to a non-Jew) found in one's possession on Pessach needs to be burned.

If one finds Chametz on Yom Tov or Shabbat during Pessach, (to ensure that one doesn't eat it accidentally), one covers it with a bowl until after Havdalah - and then one burns it.

When burning Chametz on Pessach one says the Bracha of "Al Bi'ur Chametz" if the Chametz is the size of a Kezayit (size of an olive) or larger.

Chametz found on the closing Yom Tov of Pessach, must be burned after Pessach without a Bracha.

Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 111:17

Chodesh Tov; tonight is Rosh Chodesh Nissan - no Tachanun from Mincha today until after Rosh Chodesh Iyar

- Danny
Monday, 29 Adar-II 5774

Please daven for 3 year old נָעֳמִי בַּת דִינָה who is being treated for lymphoma

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