Sunday, January 4, 2015

Halocho #1495 - Hitting as an educational tool

One is not allowed to hit one's servants, even as a means to force them to obey.

Halachically, one may hit one's own children - including adopted children - if done in a way that will educate them to be upright people.

Before hitting, one should first try explaining the issue; if that fails and one must resort to hitting, one must be careful not to be cruel; one may not beat up a kid to vent one's anger.

It is forbidden to forewarn a child that they will be hit later, as this can traumatize the child. If hitting is called for, one either hits or one keeps quiet about it.

It is forbidden to hit children who will hit back - even if they are not yet Bar Mitzva - since one causes them to sin.

Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 184:2, 143:18: 165:1

- Danny
Sunday, 13 Tevet 5775

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